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  • Node.js 18.18 or later.
  • A PostgreSQL database server running (15 or higher).
  • (Recommended) pg_dump in your development environment (included when installing PostgreSQL).

Create a TypeScript project


You can skip this step if you already have an existing TypeScript project to work with.

Create a project directory and navigate into it:

mkdir hello-monolayer
cd hello-monolayer

Then, initialize a TypeScript project:

npm init -y
npm install typescript

This will create a package.json with an install TypeScript

Add a TypeScript configuration with a new file named tsconfig.json and the following content:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "es2022",
    "moduleResolution": "nodenext",
    "module": "nodenext",
    "esModuleInterop": true,
    "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
    "strict": true,
    "skipLibCheck": true

Add monolayer to your TypeScript project

Run the installer with the following command and follow the prompts:

npx @monolayer/create-pg@latest

You will be greeted to enter the relative path to create the db folder:

┌  Welcome to monolayer!

◇  Where should monolayer create the `db` folder?
│  ./app

◇  Installed monolayer-pg and dependencies... ✓

◇  Creating monolayer.config.ts ✓

◇  Creating app/db/databases.ts ✓

◇  Creating app/db/schema.ts ✓

◇  Creating app/db/client.ts ✓

◇  Creating app/db/seed.ts ✓

◇  Adding sample environment variable to .env ✓

└  Done

File Structure

The installer should have installed all necesary dependencies and added the following files to your project directory:

🗂️ hello-monolayer
└ 📁 app (chosen directory)
  └ 📁 db
    ├ 📄 client.ts
    ├ 📄 databases.ts
    ├ 📄 schema.ts
    ├ 📄 seeds.ts
├ 📄 .env
└ 📄 monolayer.ts
Generated code   🔎
import { defineConfig } from "@monolayer/pg/config";

export default defineConfig({
  databases: "app/db/databases.ts",
import { defineDatabase } from "@monolayer/pg/schema";
import { dbSchema } from "./schema";
import { dbSchema } from "./seeds";

export default defineDatabase({
  id: "default",
  schemas: [dbSchema],
  extensions: [],
  camelCase: false,
  seeder: dbSeed,
import { schema } from "@monolayer/pg/schema";

export const dbSchema = schema({});

export type DB = typeof dbSchema.infer;
import { CamelCasePlugin, Kysely, PostgresDialect } from "kysely";
import { Pool } from "pg";
import defaultDb from "./databases";
import { type DB } from "./schema";

export const defaultDbClient = new Kysely<DB>({
  dialect: new PostgresDialect({
    pool: new Pool({ connectionString: defaultDb.connectionString}),
  plugins: defaultDb.camelCase? [new CamelCasePlugin()] : [],
import { sql, type Kysely } from "kysely";
import type { DB } from "./schema";

export async function dbSeed(db: Kysely<DB>) {
  const currentDatabase = await sql<{
    current_database: string;
  }>`SELECT CURRENT_DATABASE()`.execute(db);

  console.log("Current database:", currentDatabase.rows[0].current_database);

# Inserted by \`@monolayer/create-pg\`
# MONO_PG_DEFAULT_DATABASE_URL=postgresql://user:password@dbserver:5432/dbName

Configure your environment

Now, open the .env file in the root of the project directory and:

  1. Uncomment the line with MONO_PG_DEFAULT_DATABASE_URL.
  2. Replace the MONO_PG_DEFAULT_DATABASE_URL value with your database connection URL.